European Comission - Stakeholder conference on mitigating the social impact of the transition to automation and digitalisation in transport
2023 is the European Year of Skills. As part of this, an interactive (hybrid) stakeholder conference will be organized by the European Commission (DG MOVE) on how to mitigate the impact of the transition to automation and digitalization on the transport workforce.
Why do we think this might be relevant to you?
You might be interested in this opportunity to actively discuss and review the draft document that will become the European Commission's official recommendation on this topic. The event brings together stakeholders from all modes of transport and from passenger and freight transport.
Important details
Date & Venue: March 21 (full day) in person (Brussels @ BluePoint Brussels) and online (login details to follow after registration)
Pre-registration: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=OBW-Edh5OUmCuLdngF2CW6foJEa8r25BhOnRFizr_ulUQkRLOERKUkpNN0dTVFhWN0FKR1NGTldSOC4u
Description: As stated in the Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility Strategy, automation and digitalization in the transport sector create many new challenges for transport personnel. Jobs in the transport sector may be at risk. At the same time, the digital transformation offers new opportunities, especially for women and young people. In 2023, the European Commission plans to issue a recommendation on how to mitigate the impact of the transition to automation and digitalization on the transport workforce.
For any questions: please MOVE-TAL6@cowi.com